Yesterday we have received a message from, they said they would schedule our AthTek NetWalk – Best Packet Sniffer on September 21, 2011. If you are looking for a network monitoring software or network manager but be aware of the price of AthTek NetWalk, here is a good news for you: you can free download and use AthTek NetWalk from GOTD on September 21, 2011! This license will enable you to run AthTek NetWalk a whole year and plus three months more. It will be expired on December 31, 2012. If you like it and there was no the end of the world in 2012, buy it then, to continue our human life and the network monitoring tasks!

Best packet sniffing tool for administrators.
AthTek NetWalk contains graphical representations of the network status with the use of advanced packet sniffing, to help project the network state in statistical and graphical format. Network administrators can easily get the traffic details from diagrams. Built-in packet filter can help you a lot with intrusion detection, all protocols are supported. AthTek NetWalk V2.1 perfectly supports IPv6, and get an integration with Wireshark which enables a better packet sniffing performance in network monitoring.