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Monthly Archives: April 2014
New Development Environment WebXone is Going to Be Released!
After many months’ preparation, we finally done the development tasks of the new programming platform. It will enables software developers to create web application directly by C++Builder, VC, VB, Delphi and PowerBuilder. Its name is AthTek WebXone. WebXone will be available for downloading in May. It is based on AthTek WebAPP Kit but it can do further more tasks in web application development. Continue reading
How to Listen to the Skype Call Recording Remotely
In the previous posts we have talked about how to use AthTek Skype Recorder. We have mentioned that you can save the recordings to Dropbox to synchronize files remotely. Actually, there are some other ways to listen to the Skype call recording remotely. You can share any file including Skype call recording on LAN. You can also use FTP uploader to upload Skype call recordings to a web server, and then you will be able to download the recordings from web server remotely. In this article, you will record how to listen to the Skype call recordings remotely. Continue reading
Product News, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience
best skype recorder, call recorder for Skype, call recording tool for skype, license key for skype recorder, record Skype calls, register skype recorder, remote Skype recorder, Skype, Skype call recordings, Skype Dropbox, Skype FTP, Skype LAN, skype parental control, Skype recorder, Skype Recorder 2014, skype recording application, video call recorder for skype
Composition Guide: How to Write a Song in Particular Music Emotion
Song writers always want to write songs that have rich emotional impact. An emotional song contains two parts: meaningful lyrics and emotional music. Meaningful lyrics like a poem. It requires nice writing skills and sensitive feelings in your head. Creating emotional music is a more complex work. Even you got wonderful rhythms in mind, you could hardly put it into your music composition. Writing a song in particular music emotion is still a big problem to most song writers. Fortunately, we can do that by using AthTek DigiBand. In this article, you will read how to write a song in particular music emotion with AthTek DigiBand. Continue reading
DigiBand - Automatically Compose Music, Multimedia Software, Product News, Tutorials, Using Experience
compose music, create emotional music, edit notes, emotional music, music composer, music composition skill, music composition software, music creator, music maker, music software, piano roll window, select music emotion, write a song
How to Design a Technical Flowchart in Writing Program and Explaining Program to Others
Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. Flowchart are very helpful in writing program and explaining program to others. Different symbols are used for different states in flowchart, For example: Input/Output and decision making has different symbols. The table below shows all the symbols that are used in designing flowchart. Continue reading
FAQ, Flowchart to Code, Product News, sharing, Using Experience
auto code generator, code generator, convert flowchart to code, flowchart drawing tool, flowchart symbols, flowchart to c, flowchart to code, flowchart to code converter, flowchart to cpp, flowchart to csharp, flowchart to delphi, flowchart to java, flowchart to js, graph to code, technical flowchart
Half Price to Get The Full Version of WebAPP Kit in 2014
If the buyer can add a “like” to AthTek Software and leave a comment to WebAPP Kit on his FaceBook, we will provide an additional $96 for thanks to the contribution. The 50% off discount will be automatically added to any new order for AthTek WebAPP Kit. If you want to get the additional discount, please like AthTek Software and leave a short comment to WebAPP Kit on your FaceBook, then you will get the discount link via FaceBook message. Continue reading
AthTek News, Free Software, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Special Offer, WebAPP Kit
convert CS to BS, Coupon, create web application, CS2BS, database, deal, Discount, facebook, OpenGL, RIA builder, Rich Internet Applications, Special Offer, VCL component, web app development, web application builder, web application creator, web authoring tool, web program development, web programming tool, web software development, WYSIWYG