Yearly Archives: 2021

Implied Acceptance Of Agreement

When an offer is made, the assumption is that the contract is registered. The Indian Contract Act explicitly identifies and defines the role and importance of an offer and acceptance. The offer is an offer of contract, i.e. the … Continue reading

How To Prepare Rental Agreement In Chennai

You can also get the format of the lease agreement from these suppliers and have it printed along the stamped paper. All you need is to ensure certain points that need to be in the agreement. In addition, you … Continue reading

House Rental Agreement Free Download

A rental agreement must explicitly list the monthly rent amount and specify the consequences for late rent. A tenancy agreement is a legally binding contract that is used when a landlord (the “owner”) leases a property to a tenant … Continue reading

Harmonious Agreement Crossword Clue

If you still haven`t solved the crossword warning, harmony then why not browse our database in search of the letters you already have! Below you will find possible answers for the crossword agreement, Harmony. On this page, you`ll find … Continue reading

Genuine Agreement Contract

1) Unilateral error – If a party makes a mistake. The terms of the contract remain binding on both parties. Neither party can cancel the contract. Unseemly influence – It is an unfair and inappropriate persuasive pressure by someone … Continue reading

Free Trade Agreement Between Europe And Japan

Traditional trade relations between the EU and Japan were once characterized by large trade surpluses in favour of Japan. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership (RCEP) are generally … Continue reading

Forward Rate Agreement Terminology

An Early Interest Rate Agreement (FRA) is a cash-settled futures contract based on the difference between a fixed rate and a variable reference rate applicable for the period covered by the FRA. If you buy an FRA, you agree … Continue reading

Fidelity 401K Adoption Agreement

(A) ☑ employees covered by a collective agreement, unless the agreement requires workers to be included in the plan. (Don`t select option 1.04 (d) (1) (B) above. (2) ☑ Additional Contributions – The employer authorizes a member to enter … Continue reading

Exclusive Distribution Agreement On

It is an agreement that ensures that only a distributor, for a specific region, market, product or other company, has exclusive rights to market that product in that market. In practice, companies generally try to design their agreements so … Continue reading

Erasmus Learning Agreement After Mobility

As part of the credit mobility organization, students and university staff must enter into trilateral learning agreements that form the basis for the recognition of university qualifications acquired abroad. As indicated by the PRIME survey conducted by the Erasmus … Continue reading