We are preparing a new version of AthTek NetWalk, with some new features included.
1. we are considering to enable our NetWalk users to be able to view the bandwidth in a straight way. Currently you can view the traffic statistics with curve chart, pie chart and bar chart. In the following updates, you will be able to view the traffic statistics with area chart. The area chart would be a straight way to view bandwidth over your network, and it can be used to generate traffic report for troubleshooting.
2. Mr.Danilo has written to us. He said that he was looking for a software to create statistics relative on how many MB have been downloaded from all the pc’s connected to same net in a specified period of time. AthTek NetWalk v2.2.48 will provide a solution to Mr.Danilo. More than that, with AthTek NetWalk v2.2.48, you will be able to monitor any client/subnet over your network. You can also add a trigger to specified IP address. Once it reached the trigger, an alert will be sent out as you preset. In one word, AthTek NetWalk will be more useful in packet sniffing.