Category Archives: Monthly Promotion

Monthly Promotion of AthTek Software

Monthly Promotion: Skype Call Recorder Will Be Available In April

The monthly promotion of AthTek Keylogger is going to expire in the end of March, 2011. In the next month of April, Skype Call Recorder will be available for monthly promotion. Continue reading

AthTek News, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Skype Recorder , , , , , ,

Monthly Promotion: Save $299.00 On AthTek NetWalk Enterprise Edition

On Jan 6th, 2011 we have released AthTek NetWalk. As you maybe know, AthTek NetWalk is one of the most powerful network monitoring tool in the world. And now we are going to put it into our monthly promotion through out the February. Continue reading

AthTek News, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News , , , , ,