Category Archives: Special Offer

You can find all the special offers of AthTek Software products here. You will love it!

Monthly Special Offer: Save Money on Code to FlowChart in 2012

The monthly special offer of WebAPP Kit will expire soon, and the next monthly special offer for Code to FlowChart is coming! Anyone who want to have a full version of Code to FlowChart, he can save part of the price in March 2012. Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Special Offer, WebAPP Kit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Reinstall DirectX EZ Will Be Available on In February 2011

We decide to participate in the program of with our DirectX ToolKit – Reinstall DirectX EZ. Anyone who want to use the full version of Reinstall DirectX EZ can download it from on February 20. Continue reading

AthTek News, Free Software, Other, Product News, Reinstall DirectX, sharing, Special Offer, Using Experience , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

How to create internet applications with existing PC software projects?

If you are the one who is struggling to provide both downloadable PC software package and rich internet applications (RIA), here is a good news for you: with our AthTek WebAPP Kit, you can easily convert existing software projects to web based applications in minutes! Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Monthly Promotion, Product News, sharing, Special Offer, Tutorials, Using Experience, WebAPP Kit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Save $496 on AthTek WebAPP Kit in February

The special offer for business promotion has been expired at the end of January, and the new special offer for our new software product is coming: anyone who purchase AthTek WebAPP Kit in February, he can save as much as $496 from the normal price $995 for lifetime use. Continue reading

AthTek News, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Special Offer, WebAPP Kit , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder v4.5 with the one year license will be available in GOTD on January 31

Anyone who want to have free Skype Recorder can download our Skype Recorder on January 30, and this version is allowed to record Skype calls for free before January 1, 2013. Continue reading

AthTek News, Free Software, Monthly Promotion, Other, Product News, sharing, Skype Recorder, Special Offer, Using Experience , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder is going to release a new version

We are going to release a new version of AthTek Skype Recorder, with many new features included! Continue reading

AthTek News, Customer Survey, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Skype Recorder, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Code to FlowChart v1.5.1 Has Been Released

December 19, 2011    Development Center of AthTek Software ——————– We have released a new version of Code to FlowChart, which allows user to try the XML exporting functions with the free trial. As you maybe know, we have included … Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Customer Survey, Monthly Promotion, Other, Product News, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Code to Flowchart is going to release a new version

We are preparing to release a new version of Code to FlowChart next week. As you maybe know that we have added a new function – XML outputting in the precious version. But when you are using the trial version, you will find that only you have registered Code to FlowChart, you can use the XML outputting function. Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek NetWalk v2.1.32 Has Been Released!

What’s new?
* Allow to select binary strings in packet hex panel;
* Shorten the waiting time when opening large trace file. Continue reading

AthTek News, Free Software, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek NetWalk Is Preparing To Release A New Version

AthTek NetWalk is preparing to release a new version before Christmas, with many new features to be included. Continue reading

AthTek News, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , ,