Category Archives: Updating News

AthTek NetWalk is going to release a new version in February

AthTek Software is going to release a new version of AthTek NetWalk, with many new features included. In the past 2011 we have received many feedbacks from our users. They made it to be more clear of what we should include into AthTek NetWalk. Continue reading

Customer Survey, Free Software, NetWalk, Product News, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder v5.1 Has Been Released

We have released an update of AthTek Skype Recorder, with a bug fixed. After we released AthTek Skype Recorder v5.0, we have received many feedbacks said that they were not able to select the video encoder. It is a bug in the structure of AthTek Skype Recorder, and we have got it fixed in v5.1. Continue reading

Customer Survey, Product News, Skype Recorder, Updating News , , , , , , ,

AthTek WebAPP Kit Has Been Finally Released!

January 29, 2012    Development Center of AthTek Software ———— A new web authoring/programming tool has been released in AthTek Software, with the advanced features wating for your review.

AthTek News, Product News, Updating News, WebAPP Kit , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek NetWalk v2.2.34 Has Been Released!

We have just released a new version of AthTek NetWalk, with many new features included in it. If you are using an old version of AthTek NetWalk, please download the latest version now and enjoy the new features first. Continue reading

Customer Survey, NetWalk, Product News, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , ,

Choosing the Best SEO Consulting Services

SEO ѕtаndѕ for Sеаrсh Engine Optimization. It is a рrосеѕѕ whеrеbу thе vіѕіbіlіtу оf сеrtаіn wеbѕіtеѕ, іn ѕеаrсh еngіnеѕ is еnhаnсеd. In оthеr wоrdѕ, SEO is thе process оf increasing thе visibility of wеbѕіtеѕ іn search engines. It іѕ, thеrеfоrе, … Continue reading

Free Software, NetWalk, Other, Product News, sharing, Updating News, Using Experience , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek NetWalk is preparing to release a new version

January 10, 2012    Development Center of AthTek Software ———— We are preparing to release a new version of AthTek NetWalk, with some new features included. We have received many feedbacks for our best packet sniffing tool – AthTek NetWalk. … Continue reading

Customer Survey, NetWalk, Product News, Updating News , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder v5.0 Has Been Released!

What’s New?
* support video recording;
* support to record video games;
* optimize buttons and descriptions. Continue reading

Customer Survey, Product News, Skype Recorder, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

New Application is coming! AthTek WebAPP Kit will be available soon!

AthTek Software is preparing to release a new program for web application developers – WebAPP Kit. This program will greatly help web applications developers to transplant projects from C/S to B/S. Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Product News, Updating News, WebAPP Kit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder is going to release a new version

We are going to release a new version of AthTek Skype Recorder, with many new features included! Continue reading

AthTek News, Customer Survey, Monthly Promotion, Product News, Skype Recorder, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Code to FlowChart v1.5.1 Has Been Released

December 19, 2011    Development Center of AthTek Software ——————– We have released a new version of Code to FlowChart, which allows user to try the XML exporting functions with the free trial. As you maybe know, we have included … Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Customer Survey, Monthly Promotion, Other, Product News, Special Offer, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , ,