Category Archives: Using Experience

How to Export Recordings from AthTek Skype Recorder to My Computer?

There are 3 ways to export the recordings from AthTek Skype Recorder to your computer. Continue reading

FAQ, Product News, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , , ,

Skype App Directory Has Been Fired by Microsoft, You Can Download The Apps from Our Official Website

Microsoft has fired Skype App Directory on October 21, 2013. If you want to download applications for Skype, you need to visit our official website and download the latest versions. Continue reading

AthTek News, for Skype, Product News, sharing, Skype Recorder, Updating News, Using Experience, Voice Changer , , , , , ,

Easily Make a Video by Free Screen Recorder and Send It to Us for Troubleshooting

We decide to use videos for better customer service. We have already make some video tutorials (on YouTube) for our software products and now we hope we could receive video from our customer for deeply troubleshooting. Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Customer Survey, DigiBand - Automatically Compose Music, FAQ, Flowchart to Code, for Skype, Free, Free Software, Google Desktop Translator, IP Scanner & MAC Scanner, Multimedia Software, NetWalk, Other, Print Layout Designer, Product News, RegistryCleaner, Reinstall DirectX, sharing, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience, Voice Changer, Voice Recorder, WebAPP Kit, Webcam Surveillance Monitor , , , , , , ,

How to Write a Song Quickly?

These are regarded as the most quick ways to write a song. Is that true? Is there another way to write a song quicker than the known ways? Absolutely YES! Continue reading

DigiBand - Automatically Compose Music, Multimedia Software, Product News, sharing, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , ,

If You Have Received The Popup Warning of Skype, Please Read This Article to Find The Answer

We won’t close the projects for these two programs and you can still use AthTek Skype Recorder and Skype Voice Changer after December 2013! Continue reading

Customer Survey, FAQ, for Skype, Other, Product News, sharing, Skype Recorder, Using Experience, Voice Changer , , , , , ,

How to Generate a Bandwidth Utilization Graph for Specific Host in AthTek NetWalk?

if you have AthTek NetWalk installed on your enterprise network, you will be able to generate a bandwidth utilization graph for specific host effortlessly. Continue reading

FAQ, Free Software, NetWalk, Product News, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , , , ,

How to guide against others mooch Off Wi-Fi?

Nowadays, people have been not satisfied with PC, they prefer to use Mobile devices (such as Mobile phones). However, usually they have not enough 3G traffics, so do would to be in a environment with Wi-Fi, Therefore, the main topic … Continue reading

IP Scanner & MAC Scanner, Product News, Tutorials, Using Experience , , ,

How We Can Use Cell Phones To Pass Our Time.

This Infographic is produced by Coupon Audit and AthTek This Infographic is produced by Coupon Audit and AthTek

Other, sharing , , , ,

Create Music by AthTek DigiBand, Sell Music in Google Play Artist Hub

The DIY-like software allows virtually anyone to sell and price their music on Mountain View’s storefront. Musicians selling tunes through the service will keep 70 percent of their set list price, forfeiting the other 30 to the Android giant. Continue reading

DigiBand - Automatically Compose Music, Multimedia Software, Product News, sharing, Using Experience , , , , , , , , ,

How to backup the trusted connections on your router

Nowadays, network topology design directly affects the security of the network. If the external and internal communications network, the internal network of the machine safety will be threatened, but also on the same network affect many other systems. Spread through the network, but also affect connected to the Internet / Intranet other network. Continue reading

IP Scanner & MAC Scanner, Product News, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , ,