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Scan IP

Fast and accurate scanning IP on LAN by ARP or UDP.

Scan MAC

Display all the connected MAC of computers.

Ping test

Test the access of selected IP in database records.

Remote Control

Enable to wake up, shutdown and send messages to another computer on LAN.

Log Email Sending Method

Built-in email sender enables to send log email to you automatically.

Fast, it’s really fast!

Multithreading scanner let the scanning process is more than three times faster than our competitors.

Information display

Besides IP and MAC content, you can also see the host name, workgroup, even the name of adapter cards.

Analyze scanned addresses

Intelligent analyzing the scanning results to track illegal accesses to network, including DHCP clients.

Data backup and restore

Enable to backup and restore the scanning results, support .xls and .bat (ARP)

Easily handle powerful functions

Even junior user can handle senior functions.