Monthly Promotion: How to Get The Discount?

Some of our customers complain that when he turns to the bill page, it seems the product price is the original one, with no discount. It is because you have visited a download site, and the cookies block you to have the discount! Our monthly promotion is ONLY can be acquired from a DIRECTLY visit to our website. Now let me help you to get the discounted price again with 3 steps:

First of all, close all the download sites’ tab and our website on your browser.

Second, find the “Tool” item on your browser, click it and follow “Internet Tool” – “History” – “Delete”

Final step, go back to our website again and go to the bill page. You can see the discounted price for the monthly promotion product!

Monthly Promotion: 50% OFF For Skype Call Recorder
Special Offer For Easter Day
Discounted Price of Webcam Surveillance Monitor Pro is Available in May

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, FAQ, Google Desktop Translator, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience, Webcam Surveillance Monitor , ,

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