How to deploy WebAPP Kit to a local server?

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Before getting started to develop rich internet applications (RIA) with WebAPP Kit, you need to deploy WebAPP Kit to your local server or web server. In the following passage, I will teach you how to deploy WebAPP Kit to a local server. It is quite easy and you only need to follow 5 steps:

Step.1 setup a local server.
local server

Step.2 copy all the files in ‘WWW’ folder and paste them to the root of local server or a specified folder. The files in ‘WWW’ folder are default.wxo, index.htm and setup.exe.
deploy webapp kit

Step.3 please input the address of local server with the saving path of index.htm to an IE or IE core browser (important). For example, the address of local server is ‘′ and you have pasted index.htm file to the root, then the correct test link should be: ‘’.
test connection

Step.4 press Enter then you will be asked to install the IE Plugin to load the test page correctly.
IE Plugin

Step.5 after you have installed the IE plugin, refresh your IE browser then you would see the following page and this means you have successfully deploy WebAPP Kit to your local server.

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