We have modified the COUPON page of our official website. A new 100% Free Registration Code Method has been included into this page. From now on, you can get a 100% free registration code to any of our software products by making and submitting a video for it. We have already made and submitted many videos for our software products such as Skype Voice Changer, Code to FlowChart, Reinstall DirectX EZ, etc.
But the quality and quantity are both far from expectation. We kindly ask that if you have experiences in podcasting and you want to use any of our software products – please help us to make videos and submit them to YouTube. We’d love to provide free registration code to you for thanks to your help.
The topic of your video could be:
- Introduce – tell the viewers the software is about what.
- Review – what you think of the software.
- Discuss – related areas which you concern.
- Tutorial – how to use the software
- Compare – compare us with the competitors.
If you don’t know how to make a video, please follow our blog. We will add a post about how to make a video clip and upload it to YouTube.