In addition, the Council of the European Union has authorised the Commission to negotiate readmission agreements with the following countries: The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union allows the European Union to conclude agreements with third countries on the readmission of third-country nationals residing in the EU area to their country of origin or provenance. As these EU readmission agreements cover all Member States, separate bilateral agreements are not necessary. In addition to EU agreements, Finland has concluded bilateral readmission agreements with the following countries: bilateral agreements can be concluded with countries with which the Commission does not negotiate readmission agreements at EU level. Member States can develop a more detailed bilateral implementation protocol under the EU READMISSION AGREEMENTS. Finland only concluded such a protocol with Russia in 2013. Finland and Afghanistan signed a joint declaration on voluntary return in October 2016. Finland is also negotiating declarations of intent with Iraq and Somalia on readmission. There are also other agreements and memoranda of understanding on readmission. So far, the EU has concluded readmission agreements with the following states and autonomous regions: 1. Readmission agreements between the EU and a third country replace the readmission agreements of an EU Member State with the same country, although this may not be the case for DK and possibly IE and the UNITED Kingdom, because these EU Member States may choose not to participate in the EU agreement in question (opt-in).2. For more information, visit the European Commission`s readmission website.
There are two types of readmission agreements: EU readmission agreements and bilateral readmission agreements. a reciprocal agreement between the European Union (EU) and/or an EU Member State with a third country establishing swift and effective procedures for the identification and safe and orderly return of persons who do not fulfil or no longer fulfil the conditions for entry into the territory of the third country or one of the EU Member States, or who are staying on the territory of the third country or one of the EU Member States; and to facilitate the transit of such persons in a spirit of cooperation […].