Author Archives: Lunar

AthTek NetWalk V2.0 is Going to Be Released!

Anyone who want to get discount coupon of AthTek NetWalk (save 150.00 US Dollars!), please help us write a professional review on your software blog, or help us translate AthTek NetWalk into Spanish/German. Of course, if you have done all of above, you will save $299 and get a totally FREE registration code for the new AthTek NetWalk! Continue reading

AthTek News, Customer Survey, Free Software, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Other, Product News, Updating News , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

AthTek Skype Recorder is Going to Update

Skype Call Recorder Has Been Updated to V4.2 Development Center of AthTek Software ———————————————- AthTek Skype Recorder is going to released a new version. What’s New? * Add new language – Japanese; * Support offline recording; * Support new audio … Continue reading

Customer Survey, Free Software, Product News, Skype Recorder, Updating News , , , , , , , ,

New Version of Code to FlowChart is Coming Soon

Code to FlowChart v1.4 Has Been Released! Code to FlowChart is going to release an update in September. The new version will fix some bugs in Code to FlowChart, and help you to generate the flow chart on new level. … Continue reading

Code to FlowChart, Product News, Updating News , , , , , , , ,

How To Speed Up Your Computer

An operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, over time, that one or more of these system files has changed or become corrupted. If this happens, the speed of your system may decrease. This issue is caused by the rough-and-tumble registry. Especially for the Windows 64-bit systems, too many keys will be used in 64-bit systems. Continue reading

Product News, RegistryCleaner, sharing, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , , , ,

Does the Skype Recorder software record audio from Skype video calls?

Question: Does the Skype Recorder software record audio from Skype video calls? Answer: Yes, the Skype Recorder can record audio from a Skype video call. You can use the free trial to try recording audio from a video call. User’s … Continue reading

FAQ, Product News, Skype Recorder, Using Experience , , , , , ,

Special Offer For Easter Day

Special Offer For Easter Day! Please use this coupon code to get this year’s discount price back: EAS-B4YQ-TER We are going to release the special offer for Easter Day (from April 23 – April 25).

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, Google Desktop Translator, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News, Skype Recorder, Webcam Surveillance Monitor , , , , , , ,

Monthly Promotion: How to Get The Discount?

Some of our customers complain that when he turns to the bill page, it seems the product price is the original one, with no discount. It is because you have visited a download site, and the cookies block you to … Continue reading

AthTek News, Code to FlowChart, FAQ, Google Desktop Translator, Monthly Promotion, NetWalk, Product News, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience, Webcam Surveillance Monitor , ,

How To Limit Peet to Peer File Sharing?

Peer to peer (P2P) is a great application for sharing files with others. There are many free P2P software such as BitTorrent, eMule and so on. But the question is, if there are many employee using P2P to sharing files in the same office at the same time, the access speed will be pull down. Continue reading

NetWalk, Product News, sharing, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , , , , ,

How To Monitor Remote Skype Calls?

Skype is widely used in our daily lives. We use it to make online calls with our business partners, lovers, family and friends. In some case, we need to listen to a remote online call to know exactly what they were talking about. Continue reading

Product News, sharing, Skype Recorder, Tutorials, Using Experience , , , ,

Take Audio Notes For Online Conversations

Nowadays we have many ways to communicate with others, like email, phone call, online call, etc. It is important to take notes of the conversation. But writing down the notes while talking to the call is so hard, we suppose to miss something important in the conversation. Now, let me tell you how to take audio notes for the online conversations. Continue reading

Product News, sharing, Skype Recorder, Using Experience , , , , , , ,