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Tag Archives: Italian Voice Changer
Voice Changer for Skype 2.9 was Available
December 30, 2014 | Development Center of AthTek Software ———- We have released a new version of Voice Changer for Skype which got some bugs in voice changing fixed. If you have met problems in voice changing with the … Continue reading
Voice Changer for Skype 2.8 was Available! Italian Supported
We have just released a new version of AthTek Voice Changer for Skype which supports some new features. If you already got a license key for this program, please feel free to upgrade your program to the new version and register it with your license key. If you are looking for a voice changer program specified for Skype, AthTek Voice Changer for Skype would be the only choice for you! Continue reading
for Skype, Product News, Updating News, Voice Changer
change voice in skype call, FBI voice changer, Italian Voice Changer, make fun of friends, male to female, record Skype call, Skype 6.22, skype app, Skype prank, skype voice changer, Skype Voice Changer 2014, voice changer, voice changing program, voice changing software