Convert Flowchart to C Code

Sometimes we can find well-designed program flowchart on the internet, but it will cost us a lot of time to program them in C code. Do you know there is an efficient way to convert a flowchart to C code? The most efficient way to convert a flowchart to C code is to use AthTek Flowchart to Code. You only need to establish a same flowchart in this tool, and you will be able to convert the flowchart to C code with one click. No other operation is required! This tool is the best automatic code generator for software developers who need to convert flowchart to C code.
AthTek Flowchart to Code Converter is a fully C code generator we highly recommend. It can easily establish a complete program flowchart and convert the flowchart to C, C++, C#, Delphi, Java and JavaScript type code with one click. All the code is well-formatted and the flowchart is exportable too.
2 Steps to Convert Flowchart to C Code
- 1. Establish the flowchart in AthTek Flowchart to Code
- First of all, you need to let the program know what flowchart you want to convert to C code. Maybe you found the flowchart by google searching, or you got it from your programmer friends. You need to rebuild a same flowchart in AthTek Flowchart to Code by your hands. It is quite easy to establish a flowchart in AthTek Flowchart to Code.
You can easily click on the code tree to add elements and edit every single element on bottom left. You cannot use any other flowchart maker to do this, because the flowchart you generated cannot be recognized by AthTek Flowchart to Code.
- 2. Choose to convert flowchart to C code
- When you have full-filled the flowchart, you can now choose C/Cpp in top bar and click the green button to convert the flowchart to C code. In the right area, you can view both C code and chart by switching the tab. You can export the C code for further editing. Quite easy, isn't it?
Software Overview
Users' Review
I'm very glad that AthTek Flowchat to Code launched finally. I'm a extended user of Code to Flowchart for the past two years, and had been always thinking that it would be great if I can generate source code from the flowchart. Happily, I get this one. It's as good as the old one.
--------- Philip Bond, from Birmingham
write pseudocode, flowchart to C, automatic code generator, generate Delphi code, generate C code
Flowchart to Code
Automatically create pseudo-code by clicks. Software development without writing code. C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Delphi are supported. Free software engineer from repetitive and mechanical programming work.