How to use Free Google Desktop Translator
Install and Uninstall
How to install Google Translate Desktop to my computer?
How to update Google Translate Desktop on my computer?
How to uninstall Google Translate Desktop from my computer?
Classic Functions
How to type in special languages?
How to translate unknown characters?
How to translate articles in txt files?
How to translate a foreign website?
How to pronunce the translating results?
How to save my translating results?
Payment Method
Google Translate Desktop is just a desktop program, it won't touch anything of your registry. That means you don't need to install it to your computer, you can't. But you can use it since you download it, just click it.
Once there is a new update, the program will notify you by a pop-up window. Hit update on the pop-up window, and the program will update automatically. The updating process will realize only by one click.
Before translating, you must be sure of that you have installed the target language. For example, you want to translate to Chinese: Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages -> Details -> Add -> Chinese -> OK.
Change the setting, use "Detect Language". Then even unknown characters can be translated.
Google Translate Desktop supports to translate from files, like .txt/.ini/.log/.inf. Hit File - Open, to import existing file, then you will get the translating result.
Type the url of the website you want to translate into the box after "Website Translate", then press "Goto". The translation of the website will come to you on the browser side.
Hit the pronunce button, then you can hear how to pronunce it.
Hit File - Save Results, your translating results will be saved as a .txt file.
How to purchase Google Translate Desktop online?
Google Translate Desktop is a FREE software, you don't need to spend money for your translation work any more!
How to register Google Translate Desktop for life time use?
You don't need to register Google Translate Desktop, it is totally free for use.
Google Translate Desktop is just a desktop program, it won't touch anything of your registry. That means you don't need to uninstall it from your computer. It is just a single file, delete it and it will be completely removed from your computer.
System Requirements
OS | Microsoft® Windows 2000, XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 8 |
Processor | 500Hz Intel/AMD processor or above |
RAM | 256MB RAM (512MB or above recommended) |
Free Hard Disk | 20GB space for installation |
Graphics Card | Super VGA (800×600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher |
Free Desktop Translator
Free desktop translator based on Google Translate. It is the best free desktop translator in the world. It supports 58 languages and can pronounce 34 of them. Business owners can use the top banner of it for business promotion.
Users' Review
This program won my favor at the first sight. I used to use Google Translate Online to scan Websites or communicate with my foreign friends, but I soon found that sometimes it was not so stable to handle, till i found this translator. I have recommended it to many of my friends. I really love this! ------------------------------- Julie Cowell, HR from North Dakota
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