Best Windows Registry Tool

Best Windows Registry Tool

Windows registry stores the information of hardware and software on the computer. Stable system runs like a series of keys matching the respective draws in the room. Over time the keys grow more and mixed up in some cases. The extra or wrong windows registry makes the system run slower or even crash. That's why we need to clean and repair windows registry regularly to keep the system healthy.

RegistryCleaner is a helpful tool for common users to tweak windows registry easily yet professionally. No need to worry if you delete some important information by manual registry modification. With full version functions, the whole process of windows registry scanning, repairing, undoing and backing up will be achieved in seconds. Run the tool and say goodbye to your unstable and slow system right now!

Different Ways to Tweak Windows Registry

To remove redundant and wrong registry keys, you can
Load RegistryCleaner and get an activated version. Hit the green target icon to start an overall windows registry scanning.
Scan Windows Registry
Clean Windows registry errors
It takes just seconds to sort out all excessive and error keys. Simply click "Repair" to remove them all now! Only registered user can use this function.
Windows Registry Repair
To cancel certain registry operations, you can
In the main interface, hit the red arrow icon to enter the "Undo" function. All of your past operations will show up here with specific time naming the file. Just select the operation you want to withdraw and start undo. The windows registry changed at that time will be cancelled right away.
Undo Changes of Windows Registry
To boost your computer performance, you also can
Hit the yellow file icon to compress those huge Windows registry data into a small container. Get rid of the unnecessary gaps and your computer will be optimized to function better.
Compact Windows Registry
To get a copy of your ideal Windows registry, you can
Hit the blue box to make a backup of your excellent Windows registry. Restore the perfect status of your computer and use it some day in the future.
Backup Windows Registry
To flashback to the perfect moment, you can
Hit the red box to retrieve the backup file. One simple click, the Windows registry will be flashbacked to that perfect moment when the computer ran fast and no error messages occurred.
We've just listed a few basic aspects you can tweak your windows registry. For more complex application, you'll develop your own habit soon.
Restore Windows Registry

If you still feel hard to use this Windows registry tool, please view how to use.


Users' Review

  • Native 64 bit version / extremely fast scanning...........after using it for several days now it's finding a whole lot of errors missed by other 64 bit programs I'm also using, I'm still in a bit of disbelief !
    ------- Keith Roberts from Texas

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